

Notice: Temporary Discontinuation of Select Software Products

We are temporarily discontinuing sales of our Estimating, Production Control, and Inventory/Purchasing software products. This decision allows us to focus on supporting our existing customers while continuing the development and updates of our software.

Please note that we remain committed to providing the same level of support to our current customers, and our nesting products will continue to be available for purchase.

Production Control

Fast I Easy I Accurate

ROMAC’s Production Control is designed to assist the steel fabricator with bill of material weight calculations, shop cutting lists, sequencing of shipments, tracking of production milestones, and printing of shipping tickets.

Features Include:
  • Shop Bill of Material
  • Shop Cutting List
  • Production Tracking
  • Shipping Tickets
  • Custom User Database
  • Flexible Shop Standards
  • Flexible Job Standards
  • Other Module Integration

System Requirements

The Romac applications are supported on Windows 7, Windows 10 and most versions of Windows Server. They will run on Windows XP and Windows 8.1 but are not support those systems and we may not be able to help if any problems relating to the operating system arise. If running on Windows Server, the programs must be run through Terminal Services.

Our software will run on systems with the minimum amount of memory required for the operating system. The amount of disk space needed on the system where the data files are stored will vary dependent on the number of projects, MTRs, etc. you keep on the system.

Most installations will be configured to store the data files on a server with the programs installed onto workstations. With this configuration, all workstations would share the same data on the server. The Production Control, inventory /Purchasing and Estimating programs are multi-user capable and multiple users can safely access the same data files.

Take Back Control of Your Shop Today!

Integration w/ Other Applications

Production Control allows you to easily import bill of material data from Tekla, SDS/2, Autodesk’s Advance Steel, P2 Programs, Softscan and any program that can create KISS files. MS Excel and KISS files can also be exported from Production Control for use in third-party applications.

Shop Bill of Material

The heart of the Romac Production Control system is the shop bill of material. This module allows you to enter the bill of material including piece marks, material descriptions, material specification, etc. directly from the shop detail drawings. Larger jobs can be broken down into multiple shipping sequences to make the job more manageable. The data entry routine is designed to allow less experienced office personnel to quickly and easily enter the bill of material data. The program will calculate the bill of material weights and provide shipping piece weights, shipping sequence weights, and drawing total weights. In addition to providing weights, the shop bill of material data acts as a job data base for the other production control modules.

Shop Cutting List

The automatic sorting and printing of shop cutting lists can be a tremendous time savings. Once the shop bill of material has been entered, a sorted shop cutting list can be printed. The sort routine groups the material by specification and description and provides subtotal weights for each grouping. The cutting list can be selected by drawing numbers, shipping sequences, material type, or shipping load.

A length and plate nesting module is included for the shop cutting list. If our optional Inventory Control program is used, the length nesting routine can use available material from inventory. Otherwise, available material can be entered from the keyboard. The nesting routine will produce a suggested cutting pattern which makes efficient use of the material.

Production Tracking

The production control program gives the ability to track production milestones through the shop and also allows you to print shipping tickets. Up to six different production milestones (such as Fit- up, Inspection, Painting, etc.) can be tracked.

Shipping Tickets

Printing of a shipping ticket can be as simple as entering the quantity and piece mark of the items being shipped. The shipping module uses the previously entered shop bill of material data to list the item description, length, and weight to the shipping ticket. The printed shipping ticket can be used as a packing document to send with the shipment.

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